How to use the SSL Manager in SmartCloud Control Panel

Accessing the SSL Manager

After you login to the control panel, select from main screen or the menu on the left the Domain Management option and then click SSL Manager.

What is an SSL Certificate?

SSL Certificates are small data files that digitally bind a cryptographic key to an organization’s details. When installed on a web server, it activates the padlock and the https protocol (over port 443) and allows secure connections from a web server to a browser.

Typically, SSL is used to secure credit card transactions, data transfer and logins, and more recently is becoming the norm when securing browsing of social media sites.

Installing a self-signed SSL certificate

What is an self-signed SSL certificate?

A records map a FQDN (fully qualified domain name) to an IP address and are the most often used record type in any DNS configuration. A records can be configured in a domain for a specific host such as or for the root record (sometimes represented with an @ symbol) of a domain such as

How to I add a self-signed SSL certificate?
How to I add a self-signed SSL certificate?
Simply click the Self-Signed SSL certificate tab, select your domain or sub domain and fill out the information required to make your certificate, when you are done, click Save and the server will create and install the certificate for your domain or subdomain.
How do I edit an existing Self-Signed SSL certificate ?
How do I edit an existing Self-Signed SSL certificate ?
You won’t be able to edit the certificate once it’s been created and installed, if you want to change the information, please delete the certificate and make a new one.
How do I delete an existing Self-Signed SSL Certificate?
How do I delete an existing Self-Signed SSL Certificate?
Simply click the Current Certificates tab and click the Delete button from the domain or subdomain.

What is a CSR (Certificate Signing Request)?

What is a Certificate Signing Request?

A CSR or Certificate Signing request is a block of encrypted text that is generated on the server that the certificate will be used on. It contains information that will be included in your certificate such as your organization name, common name (domain name), locality, and country.

How to I make a Certificate Signing Request?
How to I make a Certificate Signing Request?
Simply click the Certificate Signing Request tab, select your domain or sub domain and fill out the information required for your certificate, when you are done, click Save and the server will send you an email with the Certificate Signing Request so you can submit it to your Certificate Authority
How do I edit an existing Certificate Signing Request?
How do I edit an existing Certificate Signing Request?
You won’t be able to edit the Certificate Signing Request once it’s been created. If you want to change the information, please make a new Certificate Signing Request.
How do I delete an existing Certificate Signing Request?
How do I delete an existing Certificate Signing Request?
Simply delete the email you received regarding the Certificate Signing Request. The server won’t save any information about the Certificate Signing Request.

Installing a Signed SSL Certificate

Important Information

The SmartCloud Web and Email Hosting Servers do not require the Certificate CA-Bundle (*.ca-bundle) to work. You can simply upload the Certificate Server (*.crt) and the Certificate Key (*.key) to enable the SSL Certificate for your domain or subdomain.

What is a CRT file?

CRT is a file extension for a digital certificate file used with a web browser. CRT files are used to verify a secure website’s authenticity, distributed by certificate authority (CA) companies such as GlobalSign, VeriSign and Thawte. CRT files allow a web browser to connect securely using the Secure Sockets Layer protocol.

What is a KEY File?

KEY is a file extension for a digital certificate key file used by a SmartCloud servers to verify a secure website’s certificate authenticity.

What is a CA bundle file?

CA bundle is a file that contains root and intermediate certificates. The certificate issued for your domain constitutes the certificates’ chain with a CA bundle.

How to I add a Signed SSL certificate?
How to I add a Signed SSL certificate?
Simply click the Upload SSL certificate tab, select your domain and select the .crt and .key files for your domain, when you are done, click Save and the server will install the certificate for your domain or subdomain.
How do I edit an SSL certificate?
How do I edit an SSL certificate?
You won’t be able to edit the certificate once it’s been created and installed, if you want to change the information, please delete the certificate and make a new one.
How do I delete an existing SSL Certificate?
How do I delete an existing SSL Certificate?
Simply click the Current Certificates tab and click the Delete button from the domain or subdomain.

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