How to use the DNS Manager in SmartCloud Control Panel

Accessing the DNS Manager

After you login to the control panel, select from main screen or the menu on the left the Domain Management option and then click DNS Manager.

Manage your DNS Zone File and Records

You will be prompted to select a domain, select a domain from the list and click edit, if you don’t see any domains from the list. Please add your domain first using the Domains feature located at the sidebar.

A Record Manager

What is an A record?

A records map a FQDN (fully qualified domain name) to an IP address and are the most often used record type in any DNS configuration. A records can be configured in a domain for a specific host such as or for the root record (sometimes represented with an @ symbol) of a domain such as

How to I add a new A record?
How to I add a new A record?
Simply click the Add New Record button and fill in the information such as name and IP. You can leave the TTL setting with the default value. After you are done click Save Changes.
How do I edit an existing A record?
How do I edit an existing A record?
Simply click the value that you want to edit and change it. After you are done click Save Changes.
How do I delete an existing A record?
How do I delete an existing A record?
Simply click the Delete button and click Save Changes.

CNAME Record Manager

What is an CNAME record?

A Canonical Name record (abbreviated as CNAME record) is a type of resource record in the Domain Name System (DNS) used to specify that a domain name is an alias for another domain, the “canonical” domain. All information, including subdomains, IP addresses, etc., are defined by the canonical domain.

How to I add a new CNAME record?
How to I add a new CNAME record?
Simply click the Add New Record button and fill in the information such as name and IP. You can leave the TTL setting with the default value. After you are done click Save Changes.
How do I edit an existing CNAME record?
How do I edit an existing CNAME record?
Simply click the value that you want to edit and change it. After you are done click Save Changes.
How do I delete an existing CNAME record?
How do I delete an existing CNAME record?
Simply click the Delete button and click Save Changes.

MX Record Manager

What is an MX record?

A mail exchanger record (MX record) is a type of resource record in the Domain Name System that specifies a mail server responsible for accepting email messages on behalf of a recipient’s domain, and a preference value used to prioritize mail delivery if multiple mail servers are available.

How to I add a new MX record?
How to I add a new MX record?
Simply click the Add New Record button and fill in the information such as Name, Priority and Target. You can leave the TTL setting with the default value. After you are done click Save Changes.
How do I edit an existing MX record?
How do I edit an existing MX record?
Simply click the value that you want to edit and change it. After you are done click Save Changes.
How do I delete an existing MX record?
How do I delete an existing MX record?
Simply click the Delete button and click Save Changes.

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